Trademark Formality Check Fail
Our professionals can help you resolve the Trademark Check Fail while you sit at your place.
Trademark Formality Check Fail ? Consult Our Business Advisor
What is Trademark Formality Check Fail?
The Trademark registration process goes through various stages of examination by the registrar of trademarks.
Trademark Formality Check is a first step for processing the trademark application by the government authority. Under this stage, the Trademark Registrar vet the information and documents submitted in the trademark application.
If the Trademark application has not passed through the first stage then application status turns to Trademark Formality Check Fail.
Is Formality check fail can be fixed?
Yes, our professional can pass the formality check failed.
Our expert shall scrutinize the already filed trademark application and reapply the trademark after the required changes.
When Does Status -“Formality Check Fails’’ arises?
The status of a Trademark application is shown as “Formalities Check Fail’’ on the Indian Trade Mark Registry government portal if the preliminary documentation is not properly fulfilled.
This might be the case when you have not submitted the complete documents at the time of applying the Trademark application or if you’ve furnished the incorrect information/documents.
What if Trademark Formality Check Fails?
In the case of trademark Formalities Check Fail, the Trade Mark Registry sends a notice to the Trademark applicant with the reason for such Trademark objection.
It specifies why the trademark application cannot go further for examination. This requires a timely and appropriate response from the applicant.
Time limit to respond the Trademark formality check fail
It is important to file an appropriate response to the trademark formality check fail within 1 month from the date of receipt of the notice of objection received from the Trade Mark Registry.
What if the Trademark formalities check fails response not filed?
If you fail to file an appropriate response to the trademark Formalities Check Fail within 1 month from the date of receipt of the notice, the trademark shall be abandoned owing to a lack of timely response.
Furthermore, the amount of money and time invested in protecting the trademark is all wasted.
Upload formality check fail notice received to our web portal.
Choose Package and Pay online with different payment modes available.
On placing an order, your application will be assigned to one of our dedicated professionals
Our professional shall carefully examine the notice issues & provide the best advice.
Our professionals will draft and file a legal reply against the formality check fail notice.
The Trademark authority will remove the objections & move the application for next stage.